Adoption is a complex legal process. At DeWitt, we are here to assist. Whether you are single or married, a stepparent, LGBTQ+, a relative, an adult seeking adoption, or a foster parent – we can help.
For decades, DeWitt’s attorneys have worked with families and adoption agencies throughout the state and have extensive experience in navigating interstate placements including the application of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) and the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA).
We are trial lawyers who know the importance of advocacy for birth parents and adoptive parents, especially in Wisconsin where a termination of parental rights matter can be cooperative, adversarial, or even end up in a jury trial. DeWitt's clients benefit from our careful assessment, thorough preparation, and attention to detail.
DeWitt's adoption team is headed by Attorney Theresa L. Roetter, who has helped thousands of people add children to their families in her more than thirty years of practice. Theresa's practice is state-wide; she has appeared in almost every Wisconsin county. As a Fellow and Board Member of the Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproductive Technology Attorneys, we ascribe to the highest level of ethics and care. Theresa has been honored as a Champion of Adoption by the State of Wisconsin and an Angel in Adoption™ by the national Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.
How DeWitt can help you:
- Agency adoption
- Private adoption
- Independent adoption
- Confirmatory adoption for LGBTQ+ families
- Relative adoption
- Stepparent adoption
- Foster adoption
- Adult adoption
- Guardianships for Children
Click here to access the document, Protecting Yourself & Your Family as We Move Into 2025, for legal insights on marriage equality, adoption, immigration, and estate planning. Stay informed and prepared to navigate potential changes in laws that may affect your family.