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New Year’s Resolutions For Business Success (or Not)

Jan 2, 2024 | Phillip J. Addis

Happy New Year, Entrepreneurs! As we roar like a Dragon (yes, a Chinese New Year reference) into 2024, it is time to jot down resolutions. Not your usual “hit the gym more” kind of goal. These are New Year’s resolutions tailored for the ambitious, the brave, and the slightly delusional world of entrepreneurship!

  1.  Resolve to Use Buzzwords Only Three Times a Day: It is tough, but let us try to limit ‘synergy’, ‘pivot’, and ‘disrupt’ to a maximum of three uses per day.
  2. Vow to use Real Passwords, not your dog’s nickname: It is time to face the music. The same 6 letter password with the 1 number and 1 symbol used 50 times is begging for identity theft. It is time to invest in a password manager.
  3. Pledge to Only Attend Networking Events With Good Snacks: Life is too short for boxed wine and a meat and cheese tray from Costco. Your time is valuable, so make sure the hors d’oeuvres are too.
  4. Learn at Least One TikTok Dance: You never know when a viral dance move might be the key to your next big marketing campaign or make you the new 2024 you-tube sensation.
  5. Learn to Relax: Whether it is finding your Zen or remembering there is a life outside the office, make sure to schedule time for yourself, your family and friends.
  6. Dare to Use Your Actual Photo on LinkedIn: Yes, it is time to replace that picture from 10 years ago. Embrace the gray hairs and smile – you have earned them!
  7. Aim to Stop Using Your Pet as a Sounding Board: Lassie is great for cuddles, but not the best for business advice. Try to find (a human) peer group that shares your belief in growth and entrepreneurship.
  8. Decide to Embrace Failure Like an Old Friend: We learn from our mistakes. Accept and embrace failures as a steppingstone to success. (If nothing else, it provides a great story for your next book.)
  9. Finally, Promise Not to Take These Resolutions Too Seriously: Being an entrepreneur is all about adaptability, creativity, and a good sense of humor!

Remember, in the world of entrepreneurship, the only constant is change — and the occasional need for a good attorney.